
I want out of the service industry!

This may not be the right place for my post, but here it goes… I work as a server at an expensive restaurant. I was having a great day and feeling good. I served a six top and they seemed happy with my service. They ordered lots of drinks and food. They let me know they would be there awhile and would compensate me well for taking up space in my section which they acknowledged would prevent me from making money from other tables. I had no objections and did my best to treat them well. They were not my only table and we eventually got really busy the longer they sat at my table. When they finished eating I served them another round of drinks and inquired about dessert. They just wanted to chill and sip while digesting and I agreed to check on them again after a while.…

This may not be the right place for my post, but here it goes…

I work as a server at an expensive restaurant. I was having a great day and feeling good. I served a six top and they seemed happy with my service. They ordered lots of drinks and food. They let me know they would be there awhile and would compensate me well for taking up space in my section which they acknowledged would prevent me from making money from other tables. I had no objections and did my best to treat them well. They were not my only table and we eventually got really busy the longer they sat at my table. When they finished eating I served them another round of drinks and inquired about dessert. They just wanted to chill and sip while digesting and I agreed to check on them again after a while.
Well I never was able to check on them properly again and offer more drinks or dessert or anything. I had left them alone for a time and at some point when I was busy with my other tables they decided to pay out and leave. I thought nothing of it and helped them get ready to leave. As I’m walking up to greet guests that were just sat in my section, one of the ladies from the six top hangs back and stops me to talk. She wanted to explain why they were leaving earlier than originally intended and also why I didn’t deserve their money. She claimed I would have made hundred of dollars from them, but “she perceived attitude and tackiness from me when she let me know they would be there a long time”, and she also felt I cut them off from ordering more alcohol. I was super shocked. They had not complained or given any prior indication that something was wrong. I was kind, accommodating, and available the whole time. I never cut them off and management didn’t either. I explained to her that I was sorry she felt the service wasn’t what they wanted, but that she was wrong about her perception. I wasn’t annoyed, I was never tacky or rude. I was kind and served them everything they asked for and was always available should they need anything.
It was super confusing, hurtful, and totally unnecessary for her to come tell me those things. Holding “hundreds of dollars” over my head and trying to justify why I didn’t deserve their money over some petty bullshit that they made up. It was gross and cruel. I mean just think about what is happening in America right now. Our dollar ain’t shit and it’s taxed to no end. There is a housing crisis. The cost of everything has gone up such that so many people are struggling. So many people are having to choose between paying bills or eating. Countless are facing homelessness because they can’t find affordable housing. Our healthcare system is a fucking joke. Times are hard. The audacity of that woman was astounding. She was unbelievably cruel for no reason. I am one of the people struggling right now. She has no idea how much she hurt me with her cruelty. I work hard and treat others with respect.
One of my tables over heard the entire thing and tipped me really well because they felt bad and wanted to help make my night better. They showed me genuine generosity. The other people were fake and I don’t believe that they had any intention of tipping me as much as they claimed. It has been my experience that anyone who feels the need to announce how they intend to tip well never makes good on their word. People who are truly generous give freely and don’t virtue signal.
I hate the tipping system in America. And restaurants that don’t have automatic gratuity like the one I work at are fucked up. They allow guests to take advantage of our service. They allow guests to be racist and discriminatory. It’s wrong. I’m currently seeking another job. I hope I find something soon.

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