
LSL disappeared after returning from a department transfer

I had put in a few months ago for some long service leave for the end of September, it ended up being approved as I had received a confirmation email and saw it on my employee portal. During this time I also ended up getting a job in a different department, I didn’t end up enjoying it at all so I came back to my original job. I thought I should double check my leave as I had just returned last Monday. I signed in and checked last Friday and my leave had vanished. I even showed my partner and said I’ll have to talk to work this past Monday. I get to work Monday and explain the situation and was told to check the portal. As soon as I sign in there’s a draft sitting in my inbox of my leave? Says that I created a draft on Friday,…

I had put in a few months ago for some long service leave for the end of September, it ended up being approved as I had received a confirmation email and saw it on my employee portal. During this time I also ended up getting a job in a different department, I didn’t end up enjoying it at all so I came back to my original job.

I thought I should double check my leave as I had just returned last Monday. I signed in and checked last Friday and my leave had vanished. I even showed my partner and said I’ll have to talk to work this past Monday.

I get to work Monday and explain the situation and was told to check the portal. As soon as I sign in there’s a draft sitting in my inbox of my leave? Says that I created a draft on Friday, when I know i didn’t and had this leave approved months ago!

Work has said well we know nothing about it, you just haven’t submitted it properly. I was so upset because I know I did, I saw the confirmation and then booked accommodation!

I’m normally part time and they have put me full time for the dates I was supposed to be away. They have told me unless there’s proof of this leave I will not get time off. They do not believe me when I say I put in for this months ago, not on the 1st of September!

I’ve called IT, payroll, the boss as the new job I left, no one can give me any answers. It’s straight up saying it didn’t exist until the 1st.

My boss said my only option if I want time off is to take unpaid sick leave but provide a medical certificate, which just screams dodgy to me?

Are they covering because they erased my leave thinking I wouldn’t be back? I know I’m not lying about the situation. Is this a test? I guess I’m just looking to see how other people read into this situation.

I know my only option is to just miss out on my trip and go to work, I’m thinking if I got a medical certificate I could face disciplinary action.

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