
20 yrs old never had a job, now that I’m looking nothing is there

I can thank my social anxiety for leading me up to this point. I’ve never even done proper work experience (if you don’t count me at my dads work) which wasn’t even offical on paper. Last year I started studying at TAFE (or college for you Americans), so I can be an Apprentice Plumber. I pretty much botched it because the one thing they didn’t tell me before signing up is that plumbing is probably one of the most unforgiving and hard trades in the construction industry that requires more brain than muscle. I DID technically pass the course but I didn’t do as well as most in my class who were already experienced. So no employers want to hire me because of my Social Anxiety or lack of established skills despite completing the certificate specifically for plumbing. Employers for plumbing are picky assholes who only want the best of…

I can thank my social anxiety for leading me up to this point. I’ve never even done proper work experience (if you don’t count me at my dads work) which wasn’t even offical on paper.

Last year I started studying at TAFE (or college for you Americans), so I can be an Apprentice Plumber. I pretty much botched it because the one thing they didn’t tell me before signing up is that plumbing is probably one of the most unforgiving and hard trades in the construction industry that requires more brain than muscle. I DID technically pass the course but I didn’t do as well as most in my class who were already experienced. So no employers want to hire me because of my Social Anxiety or lack of established skills despite completing the certificate specifically for plumbing. Employers for plumbing are picky assholes who only want the best of the best (even for trainees) so I never stood a chance.

So fuck that and fuck them. I cut my losses and now I’m looking for something more entry level. Except, ENTRY LEVEL DOESN’T EXIST. At least not online. Every job website I go for “entry level work” is the just the beginning of career paths that STILL require studying for qualification and again employers are greedy and want the closest thing to perfect that a new employee can be. Even in real life I’ve handed in resumes to managers at supermarkets and got nothing back. I just don’t see anywhere I can fit in or not be taken advantage of.

I’m not optimistic about my chances. People always nagged me to get a job like it’s easy. Now I’m actually looking and there’s nothing. Especially for someone like me.

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