
Company Hasn’t Paid Me All Summer

I work for a company where I do hourly work and specific event work. The event work is at a set rate of $50/2 hours, $75/3 hours, etc. I just found out that I did 4 events this summer that I never got paid for. This was obviously a mixup between my department and payroll, but it is not something I am responsible for. Yet somehow I am the one chasing down the paper trail to prove I worked those events so that I will actually get my money. How is this fair? This is coming after my boss called me unprofessional and inappropriate for requesting a pay raise because I found out people I trained were making 30% more than me. Obvious solution is to just leave this company as they clearly don’t treat their workers right – but it just makes me so upset. This feels extremely unfair…

I work for a company where I do hourly work and specific event work. The event work is at a set rate of $50/2 hours, $75/3 hours, etc. I just found out that I did 4 events this summer that I never got paid for. This was obviously a mixup between my department and payroll, but it is not something I am responsible for. Yet somehow I am the one chasing down the paper trail to prove I worked those events so that I will actually get my money. How is this fair? This is coming after my boss called me unprofessional and inappropriate for requesting a pay raise because I found out people I trained were making 30% more than me. Obvious solution is to just leave this company as they clearly don’t treat their workers right – but it just makes me so upset. This feels extremely unfair and I know nothing is going to come of it.

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