
Quarter life crises?

I’m a 27 y/o male that’s been working at a company for close to 5years now. I climbed the ladder rather quick through busting my ass and earned a supervisor position with great pay. However now that I got my promotion my “team” seems to think I need to do everything while they stand around and chat. I’m not the type to hold hands and tell you how to do your job when you’ve been there and know the daily procedures. On top of this I had a guy who I’m certain faked a “back injury” so now is on light duty (taking my office and now thinks can boss me around). starting to feel like I’m losing purpose at this company and feel disrespected for having them just be okay with giving away something I’ve earned. Starting week two of being “sick”. I am sick, Sick of the bullsh*t.

I’m a 27 y/o male that’s been working at a company for close to 5years now. I climbed the ladder rather quick through busting my ass and earned a supervisor position with great pay. However now that I got my promotion my “team” seems to think I need to do everything while they stand around and chat. I’m not the type to hold hands and tell you how to do your job when you’ve been there and know the daily procedures. On top of this I had a guy who I’m certain faked a “back injury” so now is on light duty (taking my office and now thinks can boss me around). starting to feel like I’m losing purpose at this company and feel disrespected for having them just be okay with giving away something I’ve earned. Starting week two of being “sick”. I am sick, Sick of the bullsh*t.

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