
Why do so many just accept that 40 hrs/week is normal?

I really dislike that my job takes so much of my time and energy and for what? Just to pay rent and barely make ends meet…and that is despite going through a stem degree and getting into a “lucrative” industry. When do I get to live though? In the small hours between? Like how is 40 hrs a week so normalized? It is insane. And to be expected to just work like crazy just to survive and maybe retire one day.

I really dislike that my job takes so much of my time and energy and for what? Just to pay rent and barely make ends meet…and that is despite going through a stem degree and getting into a “lucrative” industry. When do I get to live though? In the small hours between? Like how is 40 hrs a week so normalized? It is insane. And to be expected to just work like crazy just to survive and maybe retire one day.

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