
In some countries, the seeking of “baksheesh” (or tips) can be a primary way of making a living.

This happens mostly in developing countries where good jobs are scarce, and those jobs which are open are jobs reserved for members of favored families, rather than people with expertise. The obvious parallels between that set of circumstances and how making profit today within the social circles of the leadership of the United States is comical/scary. Comical in the sense that American culture jeers at non-Western countries for being primitive, backwards and stagnant. Yet, bribery, insider trading and corruption among those who are members of the social circles comprising the DC elite … this rot is metastasizing due to neglect. Now we have nearly the entire Congressional membership voting in favor of war and military expansionism to the tune of many TRILLIONS of $$$, and yet, they have been cutting food stamps, and are threatening to cut them further this fall. Ukrainians so far have enjoyed – per capita -…

This happens mostly in developing countries where good jobs are scarce, and those jobs which are open are jobs reserved for members of favored families, rather than people with expertise.

The obvious parallels between that set of circumstances and how making profit today within the social circles of the leadership of the United States is comical/scary.

Comical in the sense that American culture jeers at non-Western countries for being primitive, backwards and stagnant. Yet, bribery, insider trading and corruption among those who are members of the social circles comprising the DC elite … this rot is metastasizing due to neglect.

Now we have nearly the entire Congressional membership voting in favor of war and military expansionism to the tune of many TRILLIONS of $$$, and yet, they have been cutting food stamps, and are threatening to cut them further this fall. Ukrainians so far have enjoyed – per capita – US taxpayer $$$ of about $3,500 each, while Maui's citizens have been given (reluctantly) about $250 per capita.

Yet, things can get worse, and they likely will. I see no light on the horizon, unfortunately. I have always been an optimistic person, but pessimism has taken over.

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