
Found out I make the least in the entire organization

Honestly just using this as a place to vent- suggestions for handling the emotions are welcome. I found out I’m the least paid salaried employee at my org. Someone with less experience and education makes $1k more than me. Someone else (also with less experience and education) makes $2 more than I did when I was hourly. Doubt there’s any racial discrimination but they are both white and I am mixed race. Someone in my dept left. Found out she made $10k more than me. We have the same level of education and experience. Since her leaving I’ve taken on almost all her work. The only other person on my team aside from my boss makes $10k more than what I asked for as a raise. Speaking of raise- I asked for a title change and salary increase at my annual review last month. In the last year I’ve gone…

Honestly just using this as a place to vent- suggestions for handling the emotions are welcome.

I found out I’m the least paid salaried employee at my org. Someone with less experience and education makes $1k more than me. Someone else (also with less experience and education) makes $2 more than I did when I was hourly. Doubt there’s any racial discrimination but they are both white and I am mixed race.

Someone in my dept left. Found out she made $10k more than me. We have the same level of education and experience. Since her leaving I’ve taken on almost all her work. The only other person on my team aside from my boss makes $10k more than what I asked for as a raise.

Speaking of raise- I asked for a title change and salary increase at my annual review last month. In the last year I’ve gone above and beyond and also got a masters degree relevant to my field. My boss says she wants it for me but leadership needs to approve. Haven’t heard anything new.

I’m just livid and feel defeated at the way I’m being taken advantage of while the President got almost a 7% increase last year. Did I mention I work at an equity focused nonprofit??

It just is so unfair. How do you keep your spirits up when you know you’re being and have been treated so unfairly?

Rant over.

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