
Boss said longer work days and Saturdays now required until November

I’m a 23 year old recent grad 3 months into my first salaried corporate job and I already know I will quit soon. I work in a field where WFH a few days a week is very common if not the norm, but my employer does not offer WFH. And we work 10 hour days with the benefit being every-other week we have Friday off. Except we don’t always have Friday off because our department is very understaffed. In the short time I’ve been here my boss has already required us to work over the weekend twice,on top of making us stay until around 8pm once and constantly threatening to take our Friday away. Except now it’s different. Previously when weekends were required we could use our laptops from home, and while it was still a pain, it was relatively fine. Now however, today in a meeting my boss said…

I’m a 23 year old recent grad 3 months into my first salaried corporate job and I already know I will quit soon. I work in a field where WFH a few days a week is very common if not the norm, but my employer does not offer WFH. And we work 10 hour days with the benefit being every-other week we have Friday off.

Except we don’t always have Friday off because our department is very understaffed. In the short time I’ve been here my boss has already required us to work over the weekend twice,on top of making us stay until around 8pm once and constantly threatening to take our Friday away.

Except now it’s different. Previously when weekends were required we could use our laptops from home, and while it was still a pain, it was relatively fine. Now however, today in a meeting my boss said that starting this weekend working in the office Saturday will be mandatory, along with regular days becoming longer until maybe NOVEMBER.

Because a very busy part of the year is just starting, I initially planned to quit close to the end of October. I know it may sound dumb, but I hate the idea of leaving my coworkers with even more work.

I don’t know what to do. I can’t work Saturday’s. I live an hour away from the office, have a girlfriend who lives with me, and to be quite frank, that was not contract I signed. I did the math and my wage working Saturdays would be roughly $13. Which is absolutely not what I agreed to.

Basically I’m left with two choices. Tell my boss I won’t be coming in Saturday’s (it’s not like he can force me) and became the only asshole not working weekends until mid October, or quit now. I’d really like some advice on how to handle it.

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