
Boss Keeps Making Derogatory Comments

I’m mostly just ranting because unfortunately I need my job to take care of my family. I mostly just want to know that I’m not alone in these types of situations just so I can get through the day/week. I’m planning on surviving this job until I get my degree in January. I work at a company where I am licensed to (electronically) collect and analyze documents from clients on my bosses behalf. Other people in the company do this as well and overlook requesting certain items. I forgot to request 1 thing out of the 100 things I had to request for this one specific file (more documents than usual because I’m collecting from 3 people instead of 1 for this file). I tell my boss that I need to ask the client for the additional document and he goes “wow, do you know how incompetent you’re making me…

I’m mostly just ranting because unfortunately I need my job to take care of my family. I mostly just want to know that I’m not alone in these types of situations just so I can get through the day/week. I’m planning on surviving this job until I get my degree in January.

I work at a company where I am licensed to (electronically) collect and analyze documents from clients on my bosses behalf. Other people in the company do this as well and overlook requesting certain items. I forgot to request 1 thing out of the 100 things I had to request for this one specific file (more documents than usual because I’m collecting from 3 people instead of 1 for this file). I tell my boss that I need to ask the client for the additional document and he goes “wow, do you know how incompetent you’re making me look? You’re going to make them never do business with me again. How hard is it to keep track of 3 lists?” I tell him it’s not only 3 lists because every once in a while something NEW pops up and that leads to a whole new email to be sent to the clients. He disregards it and just keeps going on about how incompetent it makes “him” look which really makes me feel he’s just indirectly talking about me. I would understand blowing up about it if I had made several mistakes throughout the file, but this is the only mistake I have made on this file.

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