
Anyone have any clue how to bypass JAMF to deactivate the screensaver on my Mac

I tried asking on another subreddit but they “do not assist with bypassing stuff like this” so I figured I'd just try asking here. I just started a new job and they use something called JAMF to lock down our Mac computers. It feels like they've taken it too far tbh because we can't change most of the basic settings that don't even have anything to do with security, we can't download programs that aren't in the self serve app, and we can't even download browser extensions. There's also a culture of checking to see who's online in Teams at any given moment. At past jobs I've just downloaded Caffeine, but you can't download programs on this computer. I found a browser extension that does the same thing, but they've even blocked us from downloading extensions! I tried going into the settings to at least keep the screensaver from activating…

I tried asking on another subreddit but they “do not assist with bypassing stuff like this” so I figured I'd just try asking here.

I just started a new job and they use something called JAMF to lock down our Mac computers. It feels like they've taken it too far tbh because we can't change most of the basic settings that don't even have anything to do with security, we can't download programs that aren't in the self serve app, and we can't even download browser extensions.

There's also a culture of checking to see who's online in Teams at any given moment. At past jobs I've just downloaded Caffeine, but you can't download programs on this computer. I found a browser extension that does the same thing, but they've even blocked us from downloading extensions! I tried going into the settings to at least keep the screensaver from activating so my status won't be green but at least it'll be yellow and not show me as offline but even the SCREENSAVER is locked y'all, and I can't increase it from the measly five minutes that I've been allotted.

IT won't budge on any of the settings, not even to increase the screensaver to 30 minutes which would be more livable. Do any of y'all know if there's a way at all to bypass this so that my screensaver won't activate? It's seriously starting to aggravate me and I hate feeling tied to my computer to prove I'm working. I'm actually less productive than when I was able to walk away. Just feeling super bummed and helpless.

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