
They fired me now they are tying to take away my unemployment

So I was fired about 6 weeks ago. Let me break it all down for you. At this point it's mostly a vent cause I'm pissed. For starters the job sucked I was already done and on the verge of quitting they really did me a favor. The account I worked on was a pain and the client always delivered everything late and expected me to work miracles to provide the products on time. I worked a half day then they brought me in for a short we don't want you here anymore kind of meeting. So already any job that makes you work half day then fires you is a bunch of jerks. Just get it done and let me have the whole day. I also have had a horrific month leading up to this whole thing. My son started having seizures on July 4th and is now diagnosed…

So I was fired about 6 weeks ago. Let me break it all down for you. At this point it's mostly a vent cause I'm pissed. For starters the job sucked I was already done and on the verge of quitting they really did me a favor. The account I worked on was a pain and the client always delivered everything late and expected me to work miracles to provide the products on time.

I worked a half day then they brought me in for a short we don't want you here anymore kind of meeting. So already any job that makes you work half day then fires you is a bunch of jerks. Just get it done and let me have the whole day. I also have had a horrific month leading up to this whole thing. My son started having seizures on July 4th and is now diagnosed with a seizure disorder. They knew all this and as my former boss walks me out after watching me clear out my desk. She says “we will be praying for your son.” In my head I'm like f u (I will call her Karen) I don't need your prayers Karen I need the money I make from this job to help pay for medical bills. So take those prayers and shove it.

So I get approved for unemployment and it says they failed to respond to the initial investigation. Then I get a notice they're appealing it. This happened on the 16th. I now am about to start a new job and finally the hearing gets scheduled today and it for 9 a.m. on the 2nd day of my new job.

So here I am not only put out for being unexpectedly unemployed 1. Then I may have to pay it back if they get their way 2. ( I don't think they will win the appeal.) I am inconvenienced in my new job because of them as well 3.

They suck thanks for reading my rant.

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