
Should I quit if I get denied a raise?

I've been working at this company for 1 1/2 years and excelled at what I'm doing. To keep this short, I was never trained (and think I was set up to fail by my older coworker that was supposed to train me) more works started getting piled up on me. Recently, they've let 10+ people go and because of that, tasks got delegated to the people that did stay. No increased of pay and our bonuses were taken away. Employees started quitting and it's been stressful. I recently got a $2.00 raise which rubbed me the wrong way but my plan was to quit ASAP. Now, after more people left, I am thinking for asking for $4 dollars more. In the meantime, to look for another job and save a little. But if they deny my raise, would it be an okay move to just quit? I have a few…

I've been working at this company for 1 1/2 years and excelled at what I'm doing. To keep this short, I was never trained (and think I was set up to fail by my older coworker that was supposed to train me) more works started getting piled up on me. Recently, they've let 10+ people go and because of that, tasks got delegated to the people that did stay. No increased of pay and our bonuses were taken away. Employees started quitting and it's been stressful. I recently got a $2.00 raise which rubbed me the wrong way but my plan was to quit ASAP. Now, after more people left, I am thinking for asking for $4 dollars more. In the meantime, to look for another job and save a little. But if they deny my raise, would it be an okay move to just quit? I have a few interviews lined up which unfortunately pay the same of what I'm getting paid. This workplace is toxic and no room for growth either. Should I stay in a dreadful place for $6 dollars more while I search for a better paying job?

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