
I’m still on my 30-day “trial”…SIX months later

Hey all, longtime lurker and need some advice (not sure if this is the right place or not). Just covering tracks with a throwaway account. I was hired at this company about six months ago, the pay was a huge bump from my previous job. I get to do things I actually want to do and have some pretty great coworkers. I was subject to a 30-day trial period as 1099 before them bringing me on as a salaried employee. I feel this is pretty standard, at least the 30-day trial aspect. HOWEVER…right around the 30-day mark, I got told by the company and one of my managers that the love the work that I'm doing, that I'm a great fit, and they would love to have me on full-time. But economic and other external factors are preventing that from happening and they asked me to wait it out. I…

Hey all, longtime lurker and need some advice (not sure if this is the right place or not). Just covering tracks with a throwaway account.

I was hired at this company about six months ago, the pay was a huge bump from my previous job. I get to do things I actually want to do and have some pretty great coworkers. I was subject to a 30-day trial period as 1099 before them bringing me on as a salaried employee. I feel this is pretty standard, at least the 30-day trial aspect.

HOWEVER…right around the 30-day mark, I got told by the company and one of my managers that the love the work that I'm doing, that I'm a great fit, and they would love to have me on full-time. But economic and other external factors are preventing that from happening and they asked me to wait it out.

I said “sure” because I liked the company, liked the work I was doing, and I really don't want to go back to a position like my job before this one. About a month later, layoffs happened. I survived but hours were cut across the board. I am now down to 4 days a week and since I'm a 1099, I was told I don't qualify for any unemployment benefits.

Fast forward about 3 months, I participate in a review with my manager. We talk about goals and higher expectations. The long and short of it is that they want me to take on more responsibility (“full-time work” in their words) during my reduced hours. Since that meeting, I feel like I'm drowning. Extremely tight deadlines with little-to-no direction for what is to be delivered, working outside the normal business hours with me adjusting by coming in later the following day, and more micromanagement.

At the beginning of last month, I finally got an update. My manager has all the paperwork ready for me to be brought on full-time but it doesn't seem to be in the cards right now for the company.

I'm curious what y'all think of this situation and what should I do? I am planning on speaking to my manager but wanted to consult this sub on how or what to talk about so I don't shoot myself in the foot.

TLDR: I've been working as a 1099 for six months instead of one, had hours (and money for that matter) cut with responsibilities increased. What do I do?

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