
CEO Of my company does not like work from home and got called out for it on an anonymous survey.

Throw away for obvious reasons. There was a comment made on the previous years survey that was sent out to us about how our CEO is a dick for being very strict on our work from policy. My company is a bank that is 100% invested in Indiana. The policy in question is this, you get 1 day working from home a week, it can't be Monday, it can't be Friday, and it is subject to a managers approval. There are other stipulations but those are the big ones. A lot of workers are not a fan of this policy and the comment made from last years anonymous survey was read verbatim at this meeting. It said “CEO NAME seems like an out of touch dick everytime I hear him speak. At the last town hall meeting he made comments about forcing employees to only use BANK NAME for banking,…

Throw away for obvious reasons. There was a comment made on the previous years survey that was sent out to us about how our CEO is a dick for being very strict on our work from policy. My company is a bank that is 100% invested in Indiana.

The policy in question is this, you get 1 day working from home a week, it can't be Monday, it can't be Friday, and it is subject to a managers approval. There are other stipulations but those are the big ones.

A lot of workers are not a fan of this policy and the comment made from last years anonymous survey was read verbatim at this meeting. It said

“CEO NAME seems like an out of touch dick everytime I hear him speak. At the last town hall meeting he made comments about forcing employees to only use BANK NAME for banking, he has repeatedly talked about how he hates work from home, CEO NAME seems like he really does not care about the employees and thinks he knows best in every situation.”

He addressed this comment by being out of touch anyway and even references the CEO of Amazon saying “It's time to come back.”

I've been with this company for a long time, through COVID we had extensive work from home capabilitiesand policies. We even boasted record profits those years. There is no reason for my company to be incredibly stingy on working from home now.

I am verifying with the mods if I can post an audio recording of the reading/response.

Was hoping to maybe hear what you guys think.

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