First and foremost, I love my job; the company that I work for is incredible. Our insurance on the other hand is a joke. I pay a good chunk of money every month to preface. I recently was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and the medication and pain has done a number on my body. I’ve gained substantial weight on top of already being overweight to begin with. My doctor has prescribed 3 different weight loss meds and my insurance has refused all 3. My next step was going to be Bariatric; insurance refused that; the plans guidelines are so restrictive on what it will cover, that unless I literally gain a lot more weight or suddenly have sleep apnea/hypertension, I’m shit out of luck.
I pay 12000$ a year for insurance premiums, and I can’t even get anything covered. I’m desperate enough to try medical tourism at this point.
Just to clarify, before I got my diagnosis I worked out regularly, I stopped taking the medications to stop the gain, but now everything hurts to do. I know if I lose weight, exercise will be more accessible again. I’m 40 years old and feel trapped in this rock and a had place.