
my boss didn’t do their job and now i can’t do mine

I was just out on medical leave for a month (i kinda wish i didn't have to come back, but i do need to pay rent). Before I left, I analyzed our current staff and our projected workload (education-adjacent so we sync with the school year) and realized that we need to hire at least 4 new teachers that specifically would be able to run the programs I've been in charge of planning. I told my boss this. Up until I was out, my boss was just like “well just keep planning and letting schools know we'll work with them, and we'll definitely hire a bunch of people once you're out”. Except that I kept checking while I was out, and my boss's boss, who's in charge of hiring, NEVER EVEN POSTED THE JOB. When I got back, first thing I did was ask if we hired anybody (of course…

I was just out on medical leave for a month (i kinda wish i didn't have to come back, but i do need to pay rent). Before I left, I analyzed our current staff and our projected workload (education-adjacent so we sync with the school year) and realized that we need to hire at least 4 new teachers that specifically would be able to run the programs I've been in charge of planning. I told my boss this. Up until I was out, my boss was just like “well just keep planning and letting schools know we'll work with them, and we'll definitely hire a bunch of people once you're out”. Except that I kept checking while I was out, and my boss's boss, who's in charge of hiring, NEVER EVEN POSTED THE JOB.

When I got back, first thing I did was ask if we hired anybody (of course my boss's boss is on vacation now), and… we hired 3 people internally, but they won't run the programs that I'm in charge of. So not only did we not hire enough people in general, we essentially hired zero helpful people instead of my minimum of 4. But my boss is just like “it's fine, staffing is always like this, it'll work out” but it's been weeks and IT IS NOT WORKING OUT. So they'll probably try to have me do everyone's job and go back on my word with some schools and it all falls on me to both die (that workload would be unhealthy for an abled person and I'm disabled in so many ways) and look bad because my bosses didn't follow through on their promises. Which I naively believed because it's my first year at the company.

I'd be on the verge of quitting, except I generally like working for the company (my job is incredibly flexible and they just trust me to do whatever), but the bigger thing is that they essentially have a monopoly on jobs in my field in this state (honestly they're the biggest employer in my field in the region probably), and I have actually put down roots here after moving like 10 times in the previous 5 years. I'm also in a weird place where I'm just above entry level but not qualified enough for middle-management so my current job is…lower management? and i've only been here a year.

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