
How is anyone making ends meet in this economy?

My wife and I keep cutting back, and we're getting significant raises, but yet we keep going further and further in the hole every month. Restocking the fridge and freezer is now well over $500 a month. Mortgage is up, taxes are up, fuel is up. Pile home maintenance costs, transportation maintenance cost, credit card interest and student loan payments. We're both in 50k careers. We would need to make double what we're both making in order to actually pay down our debts and have enough money to live. How is this possible? How can two people working full-time salaried 40 to 70 hours a week, keep getting further and further behind despite cutting unnecessary spending? How in the fuck is this okay to anyone? It's getting to the point where I'm strongly considering criminal enterprise, despite the fact that we both work government related jobs. I'm exhausted, I'm frustrated,…

My wife and I keep cutting back, and we're getting significant raises, but yet we keep going further and further in the hole every month. Restocking the fridge and freezer is now well over $500 a month. Mortgage is up, taxes are up, fuel is up. Pile home maintenance costs, transportation maintenance cost, credit card interest and student loan payments. We're both in 50k careers. We would need to make double what we're both making in order to actually pay down our debts and have enough money to live.

How is this possible? How can two people working full-time salaried 40 to 70 hours a week, keep getting further and further behind despite cutting unnecessary spending? How in the fuck is this okay to anyone? It's getting to the point where I'm strongly considering criminal enterprise, despite the fact that we both work government related jobs.

I'm exhausted, I'm frustrated, I feel like I'm being crushed under a boulder at the bottom of a lake. I don't want to go on living like this. I've been talking about getting a second job but I'm literally at my first job from 8:00 to 8:00 Monday through Friday and on the weekends I have to struggle and work to try and keep our house from falling apart, Plus doing paperwork on Sundays for work, and my vehicle drivable.

It's the 6th of the month, All of our credit cards are maxed out, All of our accounts are at $0 and 0 cents. Where the fuck do we go from here?

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