
Almost a decade at the same job

I’m a long hauler. Call me lazy or what not but I really hate switching jobs. The hunting, the interviewing blah blah blah. So I’ve been at my current job as a director at a very mismanaged non-profit for almost 10 years. It has come with a lot of stress mainly because I give 1000% percent. I treat my job as if it was my own company…until recently. Some important things to note…the turnover is incredible. Usually new hires last about 6 months because they simply burn out and since we are a small amount of staff (about 12) every time someone comes and goes it causes more work for the remaining staff bc not only do we have to take on their tasks but we have to train them and also change systems setups etc when they leave. The head manager is a work-a-holic and doesn’t seem to grasp…

I’m a long hauler. Call me lazy or what not but I really hate switching jobs. The hunting, the interviewing blah blah blah.

So I’ve been at my current job as a director at a very mismanaged non-profit for almost 10 years. It has come with a lot of stress mainly because I give 1000% percent. I treat my job as if it was my own company…until recently.

Some important things to note…the turnover is incredible. Usually new hires last about 6 months because they simply burn out and since we are a small amount of staff (about 12) every time someone comes and goes it causes more work for the remaining staff bc not only do we have to take on their tasks but we have to train them and also change systems setups etc when they leave.

The head manager is a work-a-holic and doesn’t seem to grasp the volume of work that the staff takes on, most likely because he’s fine with working late and even on his days off.

Despite many past staff members coming to management with feedback about how we work, it’s always put back on that staff person as them not being organized enough…and then they quit.

So in the past few weeks I’ve decided to not give my all anymore. It’s not worth it. I don’t get paid enough for this shit. So….Ive been doing the bare minimum, making way less suggestions even when I see stuff fucked up, and have taken zero extra initiative.

And ya know what? I’m a ton more happy and less stressed.

To all my fellow “go the extra mile” workers who have to deal with management and leaders that are horrible at their jobs and clueless…take a page outta my book and put yourself first. It’s not worth the stress.

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