
So much for workplace “inclusion.”

First time posting on Reddit. I work for a nation wide health company and their whole motto is about inclusion and embracing differences. They constantly brag about being the top rated by employees. But my severe mental health issues are re-emerging to the point of debilitating panic attacks on the commute home and near hospitalizations. My doctor filled out an accommodation request for 2 days per week remote. My boss essentially said no without consulting HR and basically implied she would send it to them as a formality. No bothering with alternatives. Then there was a discussion because I emailed it to HR without her permission and she doesn’t even know how I obtained the form (which is literally in our branch file database). Basically acting like I didn’t something wrong and going on about how I should have told them at the interview about my health issues. Isn’t this…

First time posting on Reddit. I work for a nation wide health company and their whole motto is about inclusion and embracing differences. They constantly brag about being the top rated by employees. But my severe mental health issues are re-emerging to the point of debilitating panic attacks on the commute home and near hospitalizations. My doctor filled out an accommodation request for 2 days per week remote. My boss essentially said no without consulting HR and basically implied she would send it to them as a formality. No bothering with alternatives. Then there was a discussion because I emailed it to HR without her permission and she doesn’t even know how I obtained the form (which is literally in our branch file database). Basically acting like I didn’t something wrong and going on about how I should have told them at the interview about my health issues. Isn’t this illegal? My job is 100% doable remotely and her only argument is me not being able to do a couple tasks that were not my responsibility until someone quit and basically said I can’t because we are short staffed. She told me “your performance is amazing” but also that they won’t accommodate. This position was vacant for 4 months before me and I’m dealing with tons of back log. Now there are discussions going on that I’m not in on from this company that says they are big on transparency. My request is completely reasonable. It would not cause them hardship, but she claims it is. Any advice? I’ve been there almost 3 months.

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