
Does experience even matter?

I've worked in corporate finance for around 10 years now, all on the hardware side of tech. For a few years now, I've been trying to move to the software side to expand my qualifications and experience. I've had a number of interviews, and every time I've gotten feedback, the response was, they're looking for someone with more software finance experience. Its even gotten to the point I have a speech made up why my knowledge and experience can translate to the software side. Still no luck. Then a few months ago, a software company approached me, went through the interview process, everything sounded great. Exactly the finance role I wanted in software. So I left a job I enjoyed that I'd been with less than a year, to take this new one. However, once I started, the role quickly turned into a pure marketing role. Developing decks, producing promotional…

I've worked in corporate finance for around 10 years now, all on the hardware side of tech. For a few years now, I've been trying to move to the software side to expand my qualifications and experience. I've had a number of interviews, and every time I've gotten feedback, the response was, they're looking for someone with more software finance experience. Its even gotten to the point I have a speech made up why my knowledge and experience can translate to the software side. Still no luck.

Then a few months ago, a software company approached me, went through the interview process, everything sounded great. Exactly the finance role I wanted in software. So I left a job I enjoyed that I'd been with less than a year, to take this new one. However, once I started, the role quickly turned into a pure marketing role. Developing decks, producing promotional material, etc. Stuff I've never done in my life, so trying to learn by the seat of my pants. On top of that, I absolutely hate it. I keep getting negative feedback about everything I do, and I just want to scream “because this isn't what I do!” I've never been more miserable at a job. I've tried to stick it out to try and avoid “job hopping” but its getting to the point I'm miserable and don't care.
All that said, whats the point of experience if they're just going to shove me in a random role, and then be negative about what I'm doing. It obviously doesnt matter.

TLDR: Cant get a role for a field I have 10 years experience in, get shoved into a role that I have zero experience in. Frustrated with the job search process.

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