
Passive aggressive supervisor.

Long story short, I submitted a leave request form 2 months ago for today and it was denied. Fast forward to yesterday evening, i was on my treadmill at home and hurt my ankle. Im on my feet most of the day so going to work the next day was not gonna work. So this morning i called my job and told my supervisor i wouldnt be coming in today due to my ankle injury. His response was “Do you know you submitted a leave request for today and it was denied?” My response was “ok”. He then said “You were denied for this day and this is not a good reflection on you”. I said “ok”. He said “Alright bye” and hung up the phone. I think he wanted me to argue with him and i refuse to. Im not begging for forgiveness because i took a sick day.…

Long story short, I submitted a leave request form 2 months ago for today and it was denied. Fast forward to yesterday evening, i was on my treadmill at home and hurt my ankle. Im on my feet most of the day so going to work the next day was not gonna work. So this morning i called my job and told my supervisor i wouldnt be coming in today due to my ankle injury. His response was “Do you know you submitted a leave request for today and it was denied?” My response was “ok”. He then said “You were denied for this day and this is not a good reflection on you”. I said “ok”. He said “Alright bye” and hung up the phone.

I think he wanted me to argue with him and i refuse to. Im not begging for forgiveness because i took a sick day. Im not playing the manipulative bs games and im not gonna go back and fowarth about it. Is it a coincidence that i ended up calling in sick for a day i was denied off? Yes it is but guess what, shit happens and just because i was denied a day off doesnt mean other outside forces cant change the circumstances.

I went to urgent care today because i dont have a primary care doctor. They did x rays and looked at my ankle. No broken bones but it is sprained. Doctors told me to stay off it for a week. Im planning on going to work tomorrow and handing in the doctors note and clocking in.

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