
most inane “candidate assessment”

I'm applying for a temporary position. It's like a slightly upgraded internship- paid, full-time, no benefits. Just for a CHANCE at an interview, I was required to fill out a “candidate assessment,” which not only included a bullshit “personality test” with questions such as: How much do you agree with the following statements: “I want the highest possible starting salary for my position” (Not an exaggeration! They actually fucking asked that!) or “I am good at making do with little resources” (I guess they're asking directly now how exploitable I am!) or, the most aggravating, in my opinion, anything along the lines of “My leadership abilities are about average.” How am I supposed to answer that? If I say I disagree, I could be saying my abilities are below or above average! How is that informative?! Followed by an “aptitude test” that, instead of measuring my actual technical skills and…

I'm applying for a temporary position. It's like a slightly upgraded internship- paid, full-time, no benefits. Just for a CHANCE at an interview, I was required to fill out a “candidate assessment,” which not only included a bullshit “personality test” with questions such as:

How much do you agree with the following statements:

“I want the highest possible starting salary for my position” (Not an exaggeration! They actually fucking asked that!)

or “I am good at making do with little resources” (I guess they're asking directly now how exploitable I am!)

or, the most aggravating, in my opinion, anything along the lines of “My leadership abilities are about average.” How am I supposed to answer that? If I say I disagree, I could be saying my abilities are below or above average! How is that informative?!

Followed by an “aptitude test” that, instead of measuring my actual technical skills and knowledge, just gave me a bunch of timed, confusing puzzles, akin to a phony “free online IQ test,” except it was for one of the biggest conglomerates in the world.

I have highly specific, specialized knowledge and skills that would, in any other circumstance, guarantee me an interview (it has in the past!), but because of their own bullshit system, they might lost a very strong candidate.

I'm not actually stressed about this, btw,- there are plenty of other positions at smaller companies that I'm well qualified for- but I was shocked at just how stupid the assessment process is.

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