
Work injury.

I work in manufacturing; third shift. Last night i took a razor blade to my left thumb. It is a pretty bad cut; got me pretty deep and right at the edge of my nail bed and across the pad of my thumb. Someone from work took me to the emergency room, spent 4 hours getting stitched up and waiting around. This isn’t the first time I have been injured at work so I knew the drill. My boss picked me up and spent the entire drive back telling me I wasn’t getting a raise next review because of my failure to be safe. Get back to work to talk to HR and fill out paperwork, while the entire office openly complained about me inconveniencing them. Now I’m not one to miss work. I like to be productive but more importantly; I like to be paid as do my debtors.…

I work in manufacturing; third shift. Last night i took a razor blade to my left thumb. It is a pretty bad cut; got me pretty deep and right at the edge of my nail bed and across the pad of my thumb. Someone from work took me to the emergency room, spent 4 hours getting stitched up and waiting around. This isn’t the first time I have been injured at work so I knew the drill. My boss picked me up and spent the entire drive back telling me I wasn’t getting a raise next review because of my failure to be safe. Get back to work to talk to HR and fill out paperwork, while the entire office openly complained about me inconveniencing them.

Now I’m not one to miss work. I like to be productive but more importantly; I like to be paid as do my debtors. So I told HR to disregard the doctors note that said I needed a day off work, “ I’ll be here tonight” I said. I am also not one to enjoy “light duty”. I get bored and would prefer to just figure out on my own what I can and cannot do and go from there. I make every attempt to be the smallest burden possible. Yet I still catch the most shit. The employees that saw me come back were concerned about me, but the bosses and office bitches were more concerned with the inconvenience my injury caused them.

I don’t know what to think of this honestly. How did we get to a point that openly shaming someone that is injured is ok? What would you do this situation? Any input or discussion is welcome. I’m honestly considering telling my boss to eat shit and just scroll through Reddit all night.

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