
New job has had my coworker wait up to 4 DAYS to cash his check, 6 SEPARATE TIMES.

Holy fuck you can't make this up. I just started a new job this Tuesday. Me and my new coworker have been getting along pretty good and been talking a lot out in the field then he hit me with this: Our boss asked him to wait to cash his paycheck he received on Friday the 1st, and cash it Tuesday, the 5th. He said our boss said “no money in the account”. Guarantee you the boss got paid though….after all her brother is the president of the company (3rd generation company). Then he told me it's happened to him 6. SIX. SEPARATE. TIMES. Since he's been there (little over a year) Wtf did I get myself into? I'm definitely gonna play hard ball with this and let them know I will not wait and cash my check on payday. Too bad for your overdrafts. Want to fire me for…

Holy fuck you can't make this up.

I just started a new job this Tuesday. Me and my new coworker have been getting along pretty good and been talking a lot out in the field then he hit me with this:

Our boss asked him to wait to cash his paycheck he received on Friday the 1st, and cash it Tuesday, the 5th. He said our boss said “no money in the account”. Guarantee you the boss got paid though….after all her brother is the president of the company (3rd generation company).

Then he told me it's happened to him 6. SIX. SEPARATE. TIMES. Since he's been there (little over a year)

Wtf did I get myself into? I'm definitely gonna play hard ball with this and let them know I will not wait and cash my check on payday. Too bad for your overdrafts. Want to fire me for that? Cool. Remember retaliation is illegal 😉

Also who the fuck doesn't have direct deposit set up for their employee's in 2023? And who makes their employee's sign a piece of paper stating they will wait until after 3PM on paydays to cash the check? THE FUCK?

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