
How do you find the time to enjoy your life?

I only work 40 hours a week. With traffic, my commute is almost an hour long. I leave the house a bit before 8 and don’t normally get home until close to 6. I only have about 3 hours by the time I’m home to do shit before I need to go to bed so I’m not totally exhausted for the next day. 2 day weekends don’t feel like enough time. I spend one day recovering from how exhausted I am and the other day doing everything I didn’t have the energy to do through the week. I’m tired.

I only work 40 hours a week. With traffic, my commute is almost an hour long. I leave the house a bit before 8 and don’t normally get home until close to 6. I only have about 3 hours by the time I’m home to do shit before I need to go to bed so I’m not totally exhausted for the next day. 2 day weekends don’t feel like enough time. I spend one day recovering from how exhausted I am and the other day doing everything I didn’t have the energy to do through the week. I’m tired.

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