
My decoration got taken down

Typical soulless corporate BS. Customer cars I serve get handed a paper. There are 30 papers to a bundle. The bundles have little paper loops keeping them together. I collected my loops between Memorial Day weekend and Labor Day and made a huge ~45ft paper chain secretly in my locker. I added to it little by little each day usually about 8-15 more little ~2 inch links. We've been crazy busy and understaffed, but “the show must go on”. So this shows about 250-500 cars of people I personally served each day, and roughly 8100 cars over those 3 months. This is also a rough low-ball estimate because many of the paper loops break and I can't use them. Anyways I decided to hang up the big paper chain in the break room. I got 3m hooks so I wouldn't cause any damage and I put it up on my…

Typical soulless corporate BS.

Customer cars I serve get handed a paper. There are 30 papers to a bundle. The bundles have little paper loops keeping them together. I collected my loops between Memorial Day weekend and Labor Day and made a huge ~45ft paper chain secretly in my locker. I added to it little by little each day usually about 8-15 more little ~2 inch links. We've been crazy busy and understaffed, but “the show must go on”. So this shows about 250-500 cars of people I personally served each day, and roughly 8100 cars over those 3 months. This is also a rough low-ball estimate because many of the paper loops break and I can't use them.

Anyways I decided to hang up the big paper chain in the break room. I got 3m hooks so I wouldn't cause any damage and I put it up on my Friday. The way I linked them made little zigzags and it was a like cute party decoration (while also visually showing how busy we've been). When I got back It was stuffed back in my locker and no one said anything to me. I'm pretty sure it wasn't my coworkers because they wouldn't care. My boss is new and idk about him. My boss' boss is mean and probably wouldn't allow it stating a fire hazard or some BS, but she hardly ever sets foot in that break room.


I'm so sick of them brushing us off when we say we're tired or overworked. Some of those days are just endless cars 40 seconds (plus or minus) each. Working 6 hours (we have other duties too) at that pace is equal to 540 cars so I'm not exaggerating when I say over 500 on a bad day. Every time we complain it's “Just wait, we're hiring more people soon.” or “The busy season is almost over.” I'm so sick of it. 4 years and things have only gotten worse. They won't take anyone seriously who complains because everyone else is hanging in there. The problem is it wears us down and it's hard to point to anything in particular. I feel like a sweater unraveling a little each day and I'm getting so close to the day it just falls off completely. I'm looking for a new job but I also can't move and need to pay my bills. I hate it here.

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