
Feel like giving up

I (25M) have been working hard physical labor at events for over 5 years. I kinda like it, but the shifts are way too crazy; this week i'm waking up at 4:30AM to go to work, next week i work UNTIL 3:30AM. Pretty sure the week after that will be early again… All this with often only one day off in between. On top of that we only get about 2$ an hour extra at nighttime, while at other places you get 150-200%. Didn't really expect myself to keep this up for 5 years but here we are. Now i got the feeling i'm about to burnout if i haven't already. If i have to do anything besides sleeping next to work i really have to force it. Also depressed but probably was depressed before i started there. Aside of all that the scoliosis in my back is getting worse…

I (25M) have been working hard physical labor at events for over 5 years. I kinda like it, but the shifts are way too crazy; this week i'm waking up at 4:30AM to go to work, next week i work UNTIL 3:30AM. Pretty sure the week after that will be early again… All this with often only one day off in between. On top of that we only get about 2$ an hour extra at nighttime, while at other places you get 150-200%.

Didn't really expect myself to keep this up for 5 years but here we are.
Now i got the feeling i'm about to burnout if i haven't already. If i have to do anything besides sleeping next to work i really have to force it. Also depressed but probably was depressed before i started there.
Aside of all that the scoliosis in my back is getting worse and i feel like i should start thinking about myself rather sooner than later.

I want to go study again of just find a more chill job, but feel like i need some peace of mind first to make the right descisions.

I think i just had to get this of my chest, but any tips would be appreciated.


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