
HR denies promotion offered by different district manager bc current manager wrote me up for very petty things during the month of august

Update from my previous post. Summary: been with this company 4.5 years 2.5 of which I was managing a small team. In August they restructured the company and my position was made redundant. (Huge pay cut) but job responsibilities didn't change a whole lot. Wasn't sure if I should walk or not since I don't have alot or other options for income. So I saw a posting for a multi-unit manager in a nearby district and applied. Interview went so great, he scheduled a 2nd interview 2 hours later with the next higher up. About 5 days later he calls me with the great news that he wants me for the position. Which comes with a $6,000-$40,000 per year potential salary increase (lots of bonuses every month for hitting target). Most likely I'd hit 60k-70k in a year. And it would be a challenge. I was looking forward to it…

Update from my previous post.

Summary: been with this company 4.5 years 2.5 of which I was managing a small team.

In August they restructured the company and my position was made redundant. (Huge pay cut) but job responsibilities didn't change a whole lot.

Wasn't sure if I should walk or not since I don't have alot or other options for income.

So I saw a posting for a multi-unit manager in a nearby district and applied. Interview went so great, he scheduled a 2nd interview 2 hours later with the next higher up.

About 5 days later he calls me with the great news that he wants me for the position.
Which comes with a $6,000-$40,000 per year potential salary increase (lots of bonuses every month for hitting target). Most likely I'd hit 60k-70k in a year. And it would be a challenge. I was looking forward to it since before I only managed 1 small store instead of 3 stores (2 medium and 1 small)

Well, 2 days after getting the call saying I have the job, i work my first shit (today) and meet some of my new team. Jump in immediately and start training a new hire that has only worked 3 shifts etc etc.

End of today I get a call from my new district manager (who offered the job) and says HR wont let me move from my current position/district into a manager role (for only the month of August have I been in a technically “non manager role”)

Simply bc during the month of August I was written up 3 times for extremely petty things. Talking “final notice” writeups for being 120 seconds late to your shift type of stuff.

They're giving me no choice but to simply. Quit.

I wonder if I should call HR and ask if my coworkers are also getting final writeups when they're over 30 min late and ask them why there's favoritism going on and why I would be denied a promotion by a different district manager JUST bc my current district manager is brand new (he started August 1st, when I lost my title as store manager) and out for me specifically for whatever reason

I'm just fucking pissed

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