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I've recently become a manager at my company. And Holy shit has my workload increased 10x. That wouldn't really be an issue because I love my job, (I've wanted this job for a long time management or not) but Holy shit people are so confidently incorrect about certain aspects of the job or wildly apathetic when it comes to seemingly small but extremely important tasks it drives me insane. It makes my 10x workload a 20x workload. And I'm trying with all my might to not become that asshole manager but I just don't know what to do? There's one aspect where we have to mix certain things with certain things and I've written up a SOP (standard operating procedure) that explains in detail everything they need to do. The only thing I can't do for them on that sheet is the basic math because the numbers vary from day…

I've recently become a manager at my company. And Holy shit has my workload increased 10x. That wouldn't really be an issue because I love my job, (I've wanted this job for a long time management or not) but Holy shit people are so confidently incorrect about certain aspects of the job or wildly apathetic when it comes to seemingly small but extremely important tasks it drives me insane. It makes my 10x workload a 20x workload. And I'm trying with all my might to not become that asshole manager but I just don't know what to do? There's one aspect where we have to mix certain things with certain things and I've written up a SOP (standard operating procedure) that explains in detail everything they need to do. The only thing I can't do for them on that sheet is the basic math because the numbers vary from day to day. But I can't complete my tasks or focus on what I need to do because I constantly have to walk them through it again and again even though it's been weeks. We have clearly labeled containers and even then I get asked A container goes to room A or if B container goes to room B. And every time I explain over and over again trying to be calm and collected I'll drop everything that I'm doing and show them exactly what goes where and how there's legitimately lines drawn from every container to every room showing visually exactly where it goes. The interview process is always the same “I know what I'm doing I've been doing this for a while I love this type of work”
But then when I ask them to do a simple task that I've already been doing in front of them so I can focus on something else I'll come back through behind them and check their work it's like they don't even give a shit and miss tons of things. Which are all extremely important things, we are a small company so our work turns into work for the rest of the company. The better we do the more hours they get. The entire company rests in our hands if we fuck up major that means 12 other people no longer get to collect a paycheck. And it's like it means fucking nothing to these people. Its not even a thought that crosses their minds. I like to lay out a game plan and just power through the day that's the way I'd like to manage but it's seemingly impossible. From things like “This is frustrating I need your help” (because you chose to do the task in the exact opposite way I told you it NEEDED to be done in the first place) to just standing around after they finish a task knowing that there's tons of other stuff that needs to be done. But I don't always want to be the “if there's time to lean there's time to clean” guy but ffs man if you don't at least start the task I've got to do it and a million other things. Not to mention there's plenty of times where there absolutely is time to lean, we have dedicated tasks and once those are complete thats all we have to do for the day. I also have to spend alot of time in the office or on my phone doing paperwork or communicating with the owner/supplliers/compliance and I know all they see is just me sitting there not doing the work WITH them and that's just not how it works man. At this point I'd much rather be back there not worrying about all this extra shit that only has to do with appeasing the paperwork gods. It makes it hard to comfortable delegate tasks and just know they'll be done and it's stressing me the fuck out.

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