
How can I become a morning person?

Hi everyone, I am not sure if this question belongs here but it’s my first post and I would love some advice. My mom told me that ever since I was a baby, I was a night owl. Trouble getting to sleep at night and would always sleep in. My older brother was the opposite. Now I’m 30 and I still struggle with this. I have a standard 9 to 5 job which I don’t hate but the early mornings are a pain. Most of my coworkers start their workday at 8 with a smile and think I’m lazy for starting at 9. I use alarm clocks, tons of coffee, I work out and try my best to have a healthy breakfast but still I’m exhausted. Sometimes I even sleep through my alarm clocks and get to work late. I’ll work overtime to compensate but still I hate being late,…

Hi everyone, I am not sure if this question belongs here but it’s my first post and I would love some advice.

My mom told me that ever since I was a baby, I was a night owl. Trouble getting to sleep at night and would always sleep in. My older brother was the opposite. Now I’m 30 and I still struggle with this. I have a standard 9 to 5 job which I don’t hate but the early mornings are a pain. Most of my coworkers start their workday at 8 with a smile and think I’m lazy for starting at 9. I use alarm clocks, tons of coffee, I work out and try my best to have a healthy breakfast but still I’m exhausted. Sometimes I even sleep through my alarm clocks and get to work late. I’ll work overtime to compensate but still I hate being late, it makes me feel like a horrible person. I’ll be tired throughout the day but get a boost of energy after dinner and around 10 at night. That’s when I get a lot of work done like preparing for the next day, cleaning, working out, etc.

I’ve tried a few things like getting outside early in the morning, or trying to go to bed earlier but nothing has helped long term.

Are there any night owls here that have been able to change to a morning person? How have you done it? Any tips are welcome!

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