
Retracted offer letter

I interviewed for a remote job three times, went through their typing test and all the other crap they wanted me to do. The interviewers were positive, assured me I was their choice. Yesterday, I got an email with the offer letter and the questionnaire for security clearance attached. Nothing would load. So I emailed the sender. Three hours later, she called me. She said that a person who had not been included in the interviews chose someone else. She had sent the offer by mistake after being unable to make a change in the technology in which the offer email had been generated. My heart dropped. I told her…that is a terrible mistake and serious problem with your technology. I am hurt by it. Then I sent her an email stating she and her organization had made me cry, something I rarely do. I also told her to fix…

I interviewed for a remote job three times, went through their typing test and all the other crap they wanted me to do. The interviewers were positive, assured me I was their choice. Yesterday, I got an email with the offer letter and the questionnaire for security clearance attached. Nothing would load. So I emailed the sender. Three hours later, she called me. She said that a person who had not been included in the interviews chose someone else. She had sent the offer by mistake after being unable to make a change in the technology in which the offer email had been generated. My heart dropped.

I told her…that is a terrible mistake and serious problem with your technology. I am hurt by it. Then I sent her an email stating she and her organization had made me cry, something I rarely do. I also told her to fix the technology problem and the interview process to ensure that nothing like that happens again. I told her to be careful with the feelings of others and to avoid hurting them at all costs.

Then I got a ton of emails from the interviewers apologizing. But the die is cast. Now I am gun shy. I am wondering how much it matters if I am right for the job and interview well or even get a job offer.

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