
Why do people claim that having a union will result in lazy and unproductive workers? Literally the opposite in my experience.

I first started working for a non unionized warehouse, most workers seemed unhappy and grumpy. Who wouldn’t be, pay was low and management sucked ass. People would work their hardest to not work. Shit barely got done and management was very inept. I barely worked as well, I spent 3 hours working and I pretty much slept or watched movies in my car. Now through my uncle, I got a job as a clerk in an unionized warehouse. And literally everyone is working their ass off, most people are lifers and we’re generally happy and in a good mood almost everyday. Warehouse workers here start at $25/hour and top off at $39/hour with pension and great benefits. When there’s no work to be done, people would clean and do other tasks. Even my supervisors and managers would do the grunt work. At my old job, management refused to do any…

I first started working for a non unionized warehouse, most workers seemed unhappy and grumpy. Who wouldn’t be, pay was low and management sucked ass. People would work their hardest to not work. Shit barely got done and management was very inept. I barely worked as well, I spent 3 hours working and I pretty much slept or watched movies in my car. Now through my uncle, I got a job as a clerk in an unionized warehouse. And literally everyone is working their ass off, most people are lifers and we’re generally happy and in a good mood almost everyday. Warehouse workers here start at $25/hour and top off at $39/hour with pension and great benefits. When there’s no work to be done, people would clean and do other tasks. Even my supervisors and managers would do the grunt work. At my old job, management refused to do any manual work. Where did this statement come from? Fuck man, the head of all warehouse operations is usually doing janitorial work when he doesn’t have anything to do. Meanwhile my old operations manager would be in his office sleeping or on his phone for 90% of the time

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