
I might get fired because I pushed back on my management canceling my time off for my mother’s funeral

The week after I got the news that my mom died, I put in a request for paid two weeks off to my manager. She approved it through the program we use to put in time off requests. I knew that I needed this time to go out of town, so all of my funeral plans are based on these two weeks, and I made that very clear to my manager in the email I sent her. This was about a month ago. She called me into her office yesterday during my shift to tell me that they “cancelled” my two weeks off because they’re understaffed. I was absolutely shocked. The first thing I asked her was why she didn’t tell me this news sooner. I sat there explaining to her that I needed, NEEDED! these two weeks for my family. She gave me the whole manager bullshit tone with…

The week after I got the news that my mom died, I put in a request for paid two weeks off to my manager. She approved it through the program we use to put in time off requests. I knew that I needed this time to go out of town, so all of my funeral plans are based on these two weeks, and I made that very clear to my manager in the email I sent her. This was about a month ago.

She called me into her office yesterday during my shift to tell me that they “cancelled” my two weeks off because they’re understaffed. I was absolutely shocked. The first thing I asked her was why she didn’t tell me this news sooner. I sat there explaining to her that I needed, NEEDED! these two weeks for my family. She gave me the whole manager bullshit tone with the “I understand that, but we need you to understand this too.” I got extremely angry sitting there listening to her go on and on about how she’s just the “messenger” and how if I have a complaint, I should let her boss know.

I snapped at her and said “isn’t your job organizing these things so that your employees can take time off for important things” She continued with her corporate tone bullshit, so I just told her that I’m done talking, and that I’m leaving for this funeral whether they find someone to fill in or not. She said “that’s all good and well, but if you take off unapproved time then we’ll have to let you go” so I just said that’s fine and walked out of her office. Wtf. It was fucking approved and when I checked the program, she somehow removed the status where she approved it. Wow. Idk what to do. This job pays well compared to other ones but I’m fucked.

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