
I worked 8 hours OT a few weeks ago and wasn’t paid for it. What should I do?

My coworkers and I all did 8 hours of OT a few weeks ago but weren’t paid properly for it. We’ve all brought it up seperately with our manager, but so far he has told us the best he can do is give us half a day off. I’d much rather be paid, though. Is it too late to do anything about it? Can I report anonymously? I like my job a lot and don’t want to rock any boats (but I want my pay, goddamn it).

My coworkers and I all did 8 hours of OT a few weeks ago but weren’t paid properly for it. We’ve all brought it up seperately with our
manager, but so far he has told us the best he can do is give us half a day off. I’d much rather be paid, though. Is it too late to do anything about it? Can I report anonymously? I like my job a lot and don’t want to rock any boats (but I want my pay, goddamn it).

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