
Why does Amazon do this?

So I work at Amazon. Nothing to terrible I work upstairs sorting your guy's stuff into robots. About 2 months ago me and my family got into a car accident. I suffered a concussion and had to rest for a month. Made a good but partial recovery, I almost fell off the stairs due to dizziness, so now I have accommodations but Amazon isn't letting me work at all. First I had to submit an accommodations request, then it took a week. I went back in the next week, they said they lost the request, so I had to submit another request. Had to wait another week, this time however, they didn't lose it but said that none of the information was on it. Which was weird so I filled in the blanks and they said it's taken another day for it to be processed. Then just this morning I…

So I work at Amazon. Nothing to terrible I work upstairs sorting your guy's stuff into robots. About 2 months ago me and my family got into a car accident. I suffered a concussion and had to rest for a month. Made a good but partial recovery, I almost fell off the stairs due to dizziness, so now I have accommodations but Amazon isn't letting me work at all. First I had to submit an accommodations request, then it took a week. I went back in the next week, they said they lost the request, so I had to submit another request. Had to wait another week, this time however, they didn't lose it but said that none of the information was on it. Which was weird so I filled in the blanks and they said it's taken another day for it to be processed. Then just this morning I got an email from them saying it'll take a few more days for them to get a response. I'm pissed, I hate work but I need money. Honestly if I get another job opportunity I'm not even gonna put in a 2 weeks notice I'm just never gonna show up anymore.

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