
What is reasonable?

I work for a county government & my position is seasonal but 2 people out of the 6 in my position get to work year round & we rotate every year. The years when we are off for the winter our “clock” is paused. This “clock” is for our yearly step increases where you get an annual raise. So, it takes longer than a year to receive this if you were off for few months. This December an audit from a new hire discovered this was not correct & they “clock” shouldnt be paused because we are permanent employees. At the end of May they called us to meeting to let us know about this mistake & they've went back & adjusted everything and are going to pay us all the pay/vacation time/stipends ect… HR & finance people said it's all done & we should all be getting paid something…

I work for a county government & my position is seasonal but 2 people out of the 6 in my position get to work year round & we rotate every year. The years when we are off for the winter our “clock” is paused. This “clock” is for our yearly step increases where you get an annual raise. So, it takes longer than a year to receive this if you were off for few months.
This December an audit from a new hire discovered this was not correct & they “clock” shouldnt be paused because we are permanent employees.
At the end of May they called us to meeting to let us know about this mistake & they've went back & adjusted everything and are going to pay us all the pay/vacation time/stipends ect… HR & finance people said it's all done & we should all be getting paid something in 2 days. Here it is September & still haven't been paid. Met with the finance guy last week & he said it's the “downtown” finance dept that keeps rejecting it & wanting them to classify it a different way. He used the words “to cover their mistakes” I think it was said in jest somewhat. They are not fighting the amount just how its showing up on the books. So, I asked him to let us know if there is any update & it's been silence again.

Tldr: job found out I was being underpaid for a time. They've been working on it since December & told us about it in May. Still haven't been paid. Is it reasonable to start complaining since they found the mistake & said they are making it right?

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