
Fired because I declined an offer

Long story short, I went to my boss a couple weeks ago and said I was struggling because my salary was not at what I agreed to when I was hired in November 2021. I was presented with a new offer letter and was told since there needs to be some “give and take”, the offer was a $5 raise hourly but taking all my commission away, in addition to adding on the task of being in charge of marketing. I declined the offer after talking to 4 old managers of mine and current managers in the area. My manager has not talked to me once since my letter. Today I walk in to my computer being unplugged. I go to my coworkers computer to clock in, and my username isn’t there anymore. My manager then comes in and says “we have to let you go.” No reasoning, explanation, nothing.…

Long story short, I went to my boss a couple weeks ago and said I was struggling because my salary was not at what I agreed to when I was hired in November 2021.
I was presented with a new offer letter and was told since there needs to be some “give and take”, the offer was a $5 raise hourly but taking all my commission away, in addition to adding on the task of being in charge of marketing.
I declined the offer after talking to 4 old managers of mine and current managers in the area.
My manager has not talked to me once since my letter.
Today I walk in to my computer being unplugged. I go to my coworkers computer to clock in, and my username isn’t there anymore.
My manager then comes in and says “we have to let you go.”

No reasoning, explanation, nothing.
Just filed for unemployment, filed a complaint with the department of labor and currently in talks with a labor law attorney. Opinions needed. Do you think I have a case?

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