
Manager called HR on me..

Basically I was getting a drink and wasn't clocked in yet and I was in line.. I turned around and slid the sliding door open grabbing my drink turning around to head to the register when the manager (at the time I didn't know he was also a manager :/) waved for two people to come over to him first.. so I said excuse me.. eh hem they're cutting and that's not fair. They were annoyed an murmured stuff. I said that that wasn't right an then the manager looked at me and said he had called them over and I was like you should've called me over because I was the one technically in front of them. Idunno he scanned me out told the big manager that already hates me. The big manager pulled me into a room with a different manager who was just standing there watching me…

Basically I was getting a drink and wasn't clocked in yet and I was in line..

I turned around and slid the sliding door open grabbing my drink turning around to head to the register when the manager (at the time I didn't know he was also a manager :/) waved for two people to come over to him first.. so I said excuse me.. eh hem they're cutting and that's not fair.

They were annoyed an murmured stuff.

I said that that wasn't right an then the manager looked at me and said he had called them over and I was like you should've called me over because I was the one technically in front of them.

Idunno he scanned me out told the big manager that already hates me.

The big manager pulled me into a room with a different manager who was just standing there watching me the whole time while he was basically saying

“Yeah you may not be clocked in as an employee but you're a companies name employee and so you're suppose to let the customers go in front and also not talk to the manager like that in front of the customers.

He told me I was unprofessional when I thought I was just being assertive.

He was like, did you think to yourself that maybe he didn't know if you were done shopping?

I said I was literally.. just grabbing a bottled water for a split second.

(For my shift because im not allowed to buy drinks on shift otherwise theyll be mad an critique me on it.. technically we're not suppose to buy drinks that aren't on our breaks -_-)

I was like “So if a situation like this occurs again I'm suppose to let the customers go in front of me even when I'm off the clock because I'm a companies name employee?

He was like “No I'm not saying that, I'm saying you can't talk to the manager like that especially in front of customers.”

And I said.. but I was also a customer..

Idunno this is the same guy who makes you STAND for the 5-6 hours you were scheduled for your learning orientation videos.. you know when you're being trained in the very beginning.. in front of the registers watching them.

He's also the guy who told me to keep the scanners in their pods otherwise the batteries will die an batteries dying cost me money so keep the scanner in the pod an BRING the items to the scanner ..


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