
Employee Owned Companies

Was thinking about CEO/team member pay imbalance, and how messed up things are right now. CEOs giving themselves massive bonuses, even if the company is losing money. While so many people are working to their limits just to get by. What is if there was a requirement for all publicly traded companies to have at minimum +10% shares owned by employees, and a board seat to represent the employees shares. CEOs right now are getting 400x typical employee compensation. With this kind of employee buy-in, CEOs would have more accountability and it would be great to get something when share prices go up. What do you guys think?

Was thinking about CEO/team member pay imbalance, and how messed up things are right now. CEOs giving themselves massive bonuses, even if the company is losing money. While so many people are working to their limits just to get by. What is if there was a requirement for all publicly traded companies to have at minimum +10% shares owned by employees, and a board seat to represent the employees shares. CEOs right now are getting 400x typical employee compensation. With this kind of employee buy-in, CEOs would have more accountability and it would be great to get something when share prices go up. What do you guys think?

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