
Looking for info/HR insiders or personal observations

Hello all, I don't want to disclose where I am but I am living in EU country, I have also traveled a lot in the world, keeping relationship with people I met there. And there is something that is bugging me down about the current labor market. Since the beginning of 2022, there is a strange behavior where it seems there is a lot of job posting or still a decent rate (not at the level of 2021/2022 obviously), but for some reasons those jobs are never filled or keep being re-posted over the time. And me as my friends (from diverse job qualifications), we don't get so much answers despite being qualified (between 4-10y of experience for most), and when we got interviews, it's never great, it really feels like they are looking for the slave guy who is gonna save all their problems for a shitty wage… One…

Hello all,

I don't want to disclose where I am but I am living in EU country, I have also traveled a lot in the world, keeping relationship with people I met there. And there is something that is bugging me down about the current labor market.

Since the beginning of 2022, there is a strange behavior where it seems there is a lot of job posting or still a decent rate (not at the level of 2021/2022 obviously), but for some reasons those jobs are never filled or keep being re-posted over the time. And me as my friends (from diverse job qualifications), we don't get so much answers despite being qualified (between 4-10y of experience for most), and when we got interviews, it's never great, it really feels like they are looking for the slave guy who is gonna save all their problems for a shitty wage…

One of my friend, we have a retail shop near where we live, and she continues to regularly applies to this shop, but never get feedback despite being qualified. She is far from ugly or ankward, her resume is very cool. We don't understand as the shop is continually looking for people, and when we pass in front of the shop, it's never the same people serving, it's like they recruit someone, he does 1-2months and left. When my friend really want the job because she likes the place and could easily be someone who stay and bring value to this shop. But for whatever reason the shop is just keeping rejecting her.

And personally, as someone who works in IT, I had some interview but it was never really interesting, as I said, every time it looked like they were looking for that guy that are gonna work for 2 for an okish salary. And in parallel, we see those HR experts saying they are struggling to find people, but then if it's the case why they have so much expectations at the interview?

And I know that for example, in my company, they are looking for someone, and I am in the loop for the recruitment process, and honestly we don't have so much applications, and those applying aren't even really qualified (I don't say that to diminish people, just to be objective), and even some don't even showed up to the interview without notice…

Can someone have data, or any idea on what's happening there, I don't understand why companies seems to have real difficulties to recruit but in the same time have huge expectations and so long recruitment process…

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