
What is wrong with the people in this country?

I’ve been alive for over 3 decades and I have never seen the economic and material conditions of the US this bad. Housing prices are now completely out of the question for most or at best obliterating every last inch of their financial resources, groceries in many areas are 100-300% over what they where a decade ago, labor rights feel nonexistent, the federal minimum wage hasn’t gone up in like what? 15 years? Wages in general haven’t. Theirs no good jobs. Every company is still trying to run skeleton crews like under COVID. So many major cities have swelled with tent cities and even armed homeless encampments (looking at you Portland). Suicide is up, substance abuse is up. And the general public isn’t doing a damn thing about. But we can all totally come together to riot in every major city in the US for social justice causes for how…

I’ve been alive for over 3 decades and I have never seen the economic and material conditions of the US this bad. Housing prices are now completely out of the question for most or at best obliterating every last inch of their financial resources, groceries in many areas are 100-300% over what they where a decade ago, labor rights feel nonexistent, the federal minimum wage hasn’t gone up in like what? 15 years? Wages in general haven’t. Theirs no good jobs. Every company is still trying to run skeleton crews like under COVID. So many major cities have swelled with tent cities and even armed homeless encampments (looking at you Portland). Suicide is up, substance abuse is up. And the general public isn’t doing a damn thing about. But we can all totally come together to riot in every major city in the US for social justice causes for how many years now? But when no one can afford to live a decent life anymore it’s just business as usual? The American people can stand up for almost anything else but when it comes to a roof over their heads and food on the table they just roll over and take it. I’m just so mad constantly at how little self worth Americans have.

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