
Trying to work and get a career despite near blindness

This is a bit of a rant because I never vented about this before. I'm 30(F) with ocular albinism and unfortunately in my case it came with severe photophobia. Despite having a Bachelor's in English/Business and now going onto finishing my last 40 credits for my Bachelor's in Accounting. Throughout my 20's I've been trying to find a career or even a respectable job I could do without assistance. I worked in a lot of restaurants and grocery stores but it was always hard since when I'm around a lot of natural light I can only keep one eye open (and sunglasses cut off what little vision I have left). There were a lot of limitations to what I could effectively do at many jobs I've had, and I always needed to be brought to work by others ever since I lived away from parents. I've had to rely on…

This is a bit of a rant because I never vented about this before.

I'm 30(F) with ocular albinism and unfortunately in my case it came with severe photophobia. Despite having a Bachelor's in English/Business and now going onto finishing my last 40 credits for my Bachelor's in Accounting. Throughout my 20's I've been trying to find a career or even a respectable job I could do without assistance.

I worked in a lot of restaurants and grocery stores but it was always hard since when I'm around a lot of natural light I can only keep one eye open (and sunglasses cut off what little vision I have left). There were a lot of limitations to what I could effectively do at many jobs I've had, and I always needed to be brought to work by others ever since I lived away from parents. I've had to rely on a friend who now works days and can't bring me to physical locations.

I spent a year working as a Medicare Advisor which I enjoyed but I constantly had to get co-workers (who were my superiors) to drive me to client houses. It got to the point where I felt like I was such a bourdon that I stepped away from the company despite my boss and I being on very positive terms.

I eventually tried to focus my efforts on remote work since I inevitably became home ridden. I was burnt out of working for only commission but eventually did a remote job selling graded life insurance which was one of the most depressing heart destroying experiences- needless to say I did not keep doing it for long. Hundreds upon hundreds of applications to apply for copywriting work, data entry, community management, etc- never receiving even so much as an interview.

Sure, I did eventually apply for disability just this year, but it took 10+ years of struggling, never wanting help, only to be crushed over and over to get me to finally try it. I don't want to rely on it, I am trying hard to escape this circumstance.

I'm an awful storyteller but if any of you are struggling with disabilities and find getting work to be extremely challenging if not almost impossible, know that you aren't alone. Just keep trying.

I hope to finish my accounting education then get remote work as an accountant, wish me luck reddit.

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