
My mom’s worst shitty work situation – boss illegally paid her less than minimum wage

For context, me and my mom live in the U.S. in a very small rural town. Most businesses here are geared towards tourists and most of the locals who live here are hippies/spiritual people or rich businessmen with vacation houses. I honestly have many more stories about my mom having to work shitty jobs but if I included them all this post would go on for ages, so I'm only sharing this one. (I'm also still in school so that's why me and my mom live together) TLDR: My mom got paid less than minimum wage and when she sued her boss he evicted us during COVID. At the time this happened (yes, around 2020) my mom was manning the cash register, checkout, organization, and pricing of items at a tourist shop. The shop mostly sold handmade items from locals and also did DVD rentals. She was basically the only…

For context, me and my mom live in the U.S. in a very small rural town. Most businesses here are geared towards tourists and most of the locals who live here are hippies/spiritual people or rich businessmen with vacation houses. I honestly have many more stories about my mom having to work shitty jobs but if I included them all this post would go on for ages, so I'm only sharing this one. (I'm also still in school so that's why me and my mom live together)

TLDR: My mom got paid less than minimum wage and when she sued her boss he evicted us during COVID. At the time this happened (yes, around 2020) my mom was manning the cash register, checkout, organization, and pricing of items at a tourist shop. The shop mostly sold handmade items from locals and also did DVD rentals. She was basically the only person working there aside from the bosses wife. The boss (I'll call him L) was also our landlord at the time, and our house was very close to his shop. Side note: The house (really more like an apartment) was filthy from the previous tenants and he refused to have it cleaned, so she had to deep clean the entire thing by herself.

She worked there for a long time (roughly 6-8 months) but eventually decided to sue him because (among other things) he was paying her less than 7 dollars an hour. She eventually took him to court and got all the money she was owed, but he then proceeded to evict us during COVID. I think he was trying to get his revenge or something?? We were left with a 30 day eviction notice and she had to scramble to find a new house. At several points we were almost homeless.

Nowadays, that business still exists and he still runs it. I'm also not going to make any accusations but his wife is also basically his work slave and I doubt she even gets paid at all. To this day, that's probably the worst work/living situation she's ever been in.

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