
Extremely close to quitting…

So. I've been at ALDI for nearly a year. I got the job luckily as I met a manager outside work who happened to be an Area Manager. At the time I was going through the nasty part of my divorce and need more hours at work. Right. Fast forward and I nearly quit 2 months working chiller for 10 hours, 2 days in a row. Everywhere was hurting BAD, yet my manager demanded I call her and she convinced me to come in. ALDI doesn't give a shit if you're small, you get the work done. Lately there have been so many changes including checking customers' bags which has at times resulted in minor altercations that I am not interested in having. I suffer from anxiety and have been on varying medications so at times have been so teary at work I don't know why and have even had…


I've been at ALDI for nearly a year. I got the job luckily as I met a manager outside work who happened to be an Area Manager. At the time I was going through the nasty part of my divorce and need more hours at work.

Right. Fast forward and I nearly quit 2 months working chiller for 10 hours, 2 days in a row. Everywhere was hurting BAD, yet my manager demanded I call her and she convinced me to come in. ALDI doesn't give a shit if you're small, you get the work done.

Lately there have been so many changes including checking customers' bags which has at times resulted in minor altercations that I am not interested in having.

I suffer from anxiety and have been on varying medications so at times have been so teary at work I don't know why and have even had to phone in sick (I blame shifts being so juxtaposed ). I have a very high suspicion I suffer from ADHD too and am currently going to the doctors for a form diagnosis of my concern.

The work is physically and mentally so demanding. I have 10 shifts in a row – 9 earlies in a row and 2 are at 5am on a Friday and Saturday (yesterday and today's)

Store is a horrible environment to be in (crowded, dirty, nothing works, lack of resources, etc.) but my colleagues are great and my manager is good on the personal side.

I had been wanting to chat about promotion and even sent a link to a programme ALDI have vmvut it just doesn't get brought up but feel discouraged anyway given that I know what they think of me.

I recently went to full time so have been happy to have more hours for more money but have always maintained that my health and dignity shouldn't have a price on.

I've met my partner through working there which is lovely! 🥰

Anyways. Lately my boss remarks she thinks I'm unfocused, irritable and that my mind seems overcrowded. I said ALDI is stressing me and she came back to gaslighting me with I'm stressing 'myself'. Managers don't have eyes in the back of their head and she's been off a week so for her to say that when I bust my guts every shift to meet targets, do a good job and clean up others' mess and be helpful, her recognising other employees but telling me that actually hurt.

They keep asking (pressuring) people to take on more hours. Yesterday I had a 5-11 so I said I'd do a 5-12 and then got a notification before bed that I'm doing a 5-4
Anyways. I took today off as I have a continual problem with my wrist and doctors just say wear a brace and take painkillers. But it's going to get worse given the nature of the job at ALDI.
My manager and her 'sidekick' then another Deputy Manager between them have called me nearly 10 times despite me letting them know mast night I can't make it in for my early due to a migraine, stress and my injury.
I told my boss the constant calling is not helping and that I won't be in today or tomorrow. I am terrified to listen to the voicemail or read any messages and my phone is on Do Not Disturb.

I had a cousin drop down dead at 32 and it's things like that that just make me think life is FAR TOO SHORT and ALDI DOESN'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT ME.

Our staff turnover is insanely high and an ASM is leaving by the end of the year. God help the new new starter I know a few people planning to leave.

I am thinking off for signing off for stress and finding a new job. Can anyone advise what they would do?

I still can't bring myself to read my Managers messages, etc. But I've decided to not go in today and tomorrow but get signed off sick on Monday for 7 days then take my 2 days holiday and resign.
Will be apply for benefits for the interim and look for other jobs 🥳

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