
Quit job after one day

A few years ago, I really needed a job after reentering the workforce. So, I applied for this para-professional job with a prominent sole practitioner in the area. I went through 5 (!) rounds of interviews, including completing legit work assignments that could have been used in the practice. I got hired. First day, I am told to show up at the employer’s house. Upon arrival, I discover that there’s no actual work for me, and instead I am asked to sort through personal mail and records and file them away. At some point, I need to mail something. The employer leads me to a bathroom where I am instructed to weight the letter sized envelope on the bathroom scale in order to calculate the postage. Then it turns out that the employer has run out of food for the two family dogs and I am asked to go to…

A few years ago, I really needed a job after reentering the workforce. So, I applied for this para-professional job with a prominent sole practitioner in the area. I went through 5 (!) rounds of interviews, including completing legit work assignments that could have been used in the practice. I got hired. First day, I am told to show up at the employer’s house. Upon arrival, I discover that there’s no actual work for me, and instead I am asked to sort through personal mail and records and file them away. At some point, I need to mail something. The employer leads me to a bathroom where I am instructed to weight the letter sized envelope on the bathroom scale in order to calculate the postage. Then it turns out that the employer has run out of food for the two family dogs and I am asked to go to a pet store and pick up the food. And, by the way, literal quote, “who carries $40 in cash these days, can you buy the food and I will write you a check?” I went and bought the food and luckily that was it for my first day of employment. I got home, generated an invoice for the day’s work at the negotiated rate, added the $40 for the dog food, and sent it to the now former employer with a resignation notice. Weirdly, I have since run into this person at industry conferences, and they try to recruit me every time, totally oblivious to the fact that I in fact had worked for them and quit

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