
Burnt Out Tech Worker Watching the Planet Die

I'm caring less and less about work, climate change, etc. I kinda just want to quit my job and live a life of leisure until my money runs out, then figure something out. The stress is overwhelming at times, and I've ceased to be a top performer like I used to. I would look for another job but I can't stand the thought of job interviews and proving my worth at a new company. Anyway, here like the best place to post this. Thanks for reading.

I'm caring less and less about work, climate change, etc. I kinda just want to quit my job and live a life of leisure until my money runs out, then figure something out. The stress is overwhelming at times, and I've ceased to be a top performer like I used to. I would look for another job but I can't stand the thought of job interviews and proving my worth at a new company.

Anyway, here like the best place to post this. Thanks for reading.

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