
Micromanager Advice

I have worked for a large insurance company for the past 3 years. We got a new manager who also manages a second team. The day she started she changed every aspect of our daily work & has made my life miserable. To start, to log our time we no longer can just put 8 hours as I have been doing for 3 years. She states it’s for HR purposes & we need to clock in & out. Whatever, not a big deal just annoying. When we are on lunch or breaks we need to set our Teams status with the times we went on break & the time we are coming back. We need to keep track of our production throughout the day & at the end of the day she has an Excel sheet that we input our productivity into & have to mark yes or no to…

I have worked for a large insurance company for the past 3 years. We got a new manager who also manages a second team. The day she started she changed every aspect of our daily work & has made my life miserable. To start, to log our time we no longer can just put 8 hours as I have been doing for 3 years. She states it’s for HR purposes & we need to clock in & out. Whatever, not a big deal just annoying. When we are on lunch or breaks we need to set our Teams status with the times we went on break & the time we are coming back. We need to keep track of our production throughout the day & at the end of the day she has an Excel sheet that we input our productivity into & have to mark yes or no to verify if we “met” production that day. She has determined how long each task should take & has created a formula based off of the hours we work. She claims this is for us, not her just to keep track of how we’re doing. As I mentioned above, she manages another team which she refers to as her “salary” team & our team as her “hourly” team. Because her salary team is understaffed, we are required to prep their work for them throughout the day. So I’m working 2 jobs for pay of 1. She implemented a new audit system that has 64 lines on it. We need a 97% or higher to just meet expectations. She created a script that we need to read verbatim. My previous manager was the total opposite of her. She gave us the freedom to make decisions that will work best for the work we do & I felt confident in my job & my abilities. Now I feel as if I’m frozen with anxiety & making even more mistakes than before. Is this just normal behavior & am I just a cry baby? Is this something I can speak to HR about? Any advice is greatly appreciated!!!

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