
Illegal to have cameras in break rooms (California)?

Hello everyone, So long story short I work for a local business that is owned by people that have been known to break labor laws before (did not know this when I applied). They recently added cameras into our break room which I heard breaks employee privacy and I was informed that because there is a safe in the back the law can then be excluded and they are allowed to have a camera back there. Again, is this entirely legal? I don’t trust them considering they have a sketchy past, if it is legal due to that technicality then oh well lol

Hello everyone,

So long story short I work for a local business that is owned by people that have been known to break labor laws before (did not know this when I applied). They recently added cameras into our break room which I heard breaks employee privacy and I was informed that because there is a safe in the back the law can then be excluded and they are allowed to have a camera back there. Again, is this entirely legal? I don’t trust them considering they have a sketchy past, if it is legal due to that technicality then oh well lol

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