
Should I keep working or look elsewhere? Are places like this now?

It’s been 6 months and I want to quit my job. A little bit about my job: I’m a group fitness instructor at a senior living facility. When I first started I was part-time, working about 28 hr/wk Sunday through Wednesday (Wed. being a half day) and thought I’d be making $28/hr (which is what was advertised). I LOVED it when I first started, even tho I was started at $24/hr. When I asked my supervisor why the lower pay, she said I had to work for 3 months/90 days so that they’d “know I would stick around for a while”. I didn’t have much option other than to stick it out, plus this seemed like my dream job. I worked really hard and brought energy every day. The general manager approached me and said that residents wouldn’t stop telling him how great of a job I was doing. Come…

It’s been 6 months and I want to quit my job.

A little bit about my job: I’m a group fitness instructor at a senior living facility. When I first started I was part-time, working about 28 hr/wk Sunday through Wednesday (Wed. being a half day) and thought I’d be making $28/hr (which is what was advertised). I LOVED it when I first started, even tho I was started at $24/hr. When I asked my supervisor why the lower pay, she said I had to work for 3 months/90 days so that they’d “know I would stick around for a while”. I didn’t have much option other than to stick it out, plus this seemed like my dream job. I worked really hard and brought energy every day. The general manager approached me and said that residents wouldn’t stop telling him how great of a job I was doing. Come 3 months, still no raise. I requested to go full-time soon for insurance benefits (I just turned 26). At month 5 my supervisor called me up to a trial apartment for a “meeting”. She then asked me to take stickers off apartment decor and told me I would be going full-time, which kind of felt like a lousy way of telling me? What came with full-time status was full days Sunday-Thursday to help her with extra tasks and activities. I do 3 group fitness classes each day and now lead activities in the community, which wasn’t even part of my job description. Although I’m expected to do more work, and truthfully work that isn’t even mine, I haven’t received a raise or genuine recognition for any of my hard work.

Additionally, my work environment doesn’t feel right for me. We often have events like fundraisers or other outings and the team goes out for drinks afterwards. I don’t drink at all and everyone always gets shitfaced. What irks me the most is they charge it to the company card and easily spend $500+ getting however much food and drinks they want. I’m also the only queer person on our team, so I just feel kind of out of place most times.

I feel massively undervalued and under appreciated. I space out as I’m instructing workouts because I feel so unmotivated and down. I often feel sad or depressed, like I have no energy when I get home, and feel like I have no time with my family anymore. Do I have too high of expectations? Is this the new norm and is it worth it to stay? I feel so miserable, unhappy, and overlooked. Thoughts? Tips? Anyone else have this experience?

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